Welcome to Mama Doula
Welcoming a new baby into the world and bringing them home is an exciting time of change and new experiences. It is often a time of great joy and happiness, but also an emotional rollercoaster. There is sleep depravation, pain and discomfort and feelings of overwhelm.
We were never designed to deal with all of this alone. At this time of great upheaval we should be surrounded by a community who support us emotionally, physically and practically. However, in todays world, this community is so often lacking and mothers face these new challenges alone and unsupported. It is no surprise then that as new parents you struggle to enjoy the first few weeks and months with your baby as much as social media tells you you should!

But it doesn’t need to be like this. Imagine instead…. you have prepared yourself, your relationship and your home for baby's arrival. As parents you have discussed your needs and hopes and dreams for raising your baby. Your fridge and freezer are well stocked with nutritious food and you have made plans with friends and family to bring more. You have no plans after baby arrives except to slow down, rest and bond. Your only visitors are there to actually help. All expectations of entertaining, bouncing back to work and losing your pregnancy weight have been lifted from your shoulders. Your home is your sanctuary, your haven of postpartum retreat.
Sound good? A special time of retreat from the world to focus on yourself, your baby and your family? A Slow Postpartum.
From slow food to slow fashion we are embracing this idea of slowing down and living intentionally. Postpartum is the absolute best time to embrace this idea. In fact we have centuries of knowledge and wisdom from cultures all around the world to draw on to create a completely different postpartum experience for ourselves. In many countries, the weeks following birth are a sacred time of healing and transformation. A new mother is nourished and cared for by her community to allow her to rest, recover and focus solely on caring for her baby.
Looking back on my own postpartum, this is what I would have wished for. I was a mother far from home when I had my first babies, twin girls. I went from a busy international working life to feeling isolated and overwhelmed. This is where the desire to create Mama Doula care from.
Drawing on traditional postpartum practices from around the world I work with expectant parents to create their own Postpartum Sanctuary. Crafting an intentional, slow and nurturing postpartum retreat.
Through my Baby Massage, Mothers Circles and Story Magic classes I support women further on their journey into Motherhood, as they build their tribe and grow into their power as Mothers.
I am so glad that you're here and so looking forward to working with you. x
My Services

Kathi offered wonderful emotional support to me and baby in the postpartum period when dad had to go back to work. She helped me to boost my confidence while alone at home as a first time mum and reviewed some of my set ups, looking for any way to make things easier. It was also nice just having somone to talk to about everything in English. Her nature is so warm, engaging and friendly, I would reccomend her services to any new mum in Switzerland.